Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Merrell Fankhauser - Goin' Round My Mind, The Merrell Fankhauser Anthology [2022] (6 x CDs)


Merrell Fankhauser - Goin' Round My Mind, The Merrell Fankhauser Anthology [2022] (6 x CDs)

Merrell Wayne Fankhauser (born December 23, 1943, Louisville, Kentucky, United States) is an American singer, songwriter and guitarist, who was most active in the 1960s and 1970s with bands including the Impacts, Merrell & the Exiles, HMS Bounty, Fankhauser-Cassidy Band, and Mu. In addition, 12 songs recorded by Merrell & the Exiles were later released under the group name Fapardokly, even though that group never actually existed. (

A career anthology of Los Angeles-based musician Merrell Fankhauser described by one pundit as "the cult artist's cult artist". Includes his work as a solo performer and fronting such collectable garage rock/ psychedelic acts as The Exiles, Fapardokly, HMS Bounty and Mu. An integral player on the Southern California music scene, the young Merrell Fankhauser's budding career took off in 1964 after his family relocated to the Antelope Valley area of the Western Mojave Desert. With the likes of Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart also active in the area, Frankhauser hooked up with 14-year-old guitarist Jeff Cotton to form Merrell And The Exiles, a teen pop outfit who had a couple of local hits. In 1967 Merrell put together Fapardokly, whose limited edition LP is now one of the rarest US psychedelic albums. Fapardokly mutated into HMS Bounty, signed by UNI Records president Russ Regan. An HMS Bounty album was headed by 'Things (Goin' Round In My Mind)', an insidious slice of bubblegum that fell just short of becoming a hit single. HMS Bounty then gave way to Mu, a partial reformation of The Exiles that reunited Merrell with Jeff Cotton, who meanwhile had been a key member of Captain Beefheart's band during the 'Trout Mask Replica' days. After an acclaimed 1971 album, Mu moved to the Hawaiian island of Maui before breaking up. Merrell stayed on the island, living in a self-built jungle cabin and recording 'The Maui Album' before returning to the mainland. A 6 zx CD anthology that includes the various 1964-1979 albums and singles in their entirety as well as numerous out-takes from the same time-frame, 'Goin' Round In My Mind' is a fitting tribute to the prodigious career of a legendary cult talent. (Amazon)

If you were going to use one artist as an example of the shifting musical and cultural tides of the 1960s and '70s, Merrell Fankhauser wouldn't be a bad choice. In 1964, when America was just inching into the mindset of the 1960s as the '50s well and truly ended, Fankhauser was playing sharp surf music with the Impacts, and moved on to a strong pop/rock band called Merrell & the Exiles, whose music was just a bit too polished to truly qualify as garage rock. As rock was getting more sophisticated and youth culture embracing a new sense of cool, he formed Fapardokly in 1966, whose cleverly crafted folk-rock reflected a more ambitious outlook. A couple years later, America was turning on, tuning in, and dropping out, and in 1968 he was exploring psychedelia with a pop chaser in Merrell Fankhauser & H.M.S. Bounty. Once the bloom was off the rose of the counterculture, Fankhauser had retreated to Hawaii, and in 1971 he was exploring new levels of consciousness with Mu, a band devoted to the myth of a lost continent with a sideline obsession with UFOs. By the end of the 1970s, he'd thrown off many of the trappings of hippie outlook, and as a solo artist he was making sophisticated soft rock with a slightly mournful, introspective overtone. While this might make it sound like Fankhauser was a man who devoted his career to chasing trends, his music doesn't sound that way; he wasn't an opportunist so much as a sincere man of his times, whose changes were in sync with the larger culture. Throughout it all, he's shown an innate melodic intelligence, a sure hand at guitar playing that doesn't sink into flash for its own sake, and a habit of surrounding himself with talented and simpatico accompanists.

The long, occasionally strange trip of Fankhauser's career in the 1960s and '70s gets a thorough overview in Goin' Round in My Mind: The Merrell Fankhauser Anthology 1964-1979, a six-disc box set that gathers a very healthy majority of his major recordings from that period, and given that much of his catalog has a habit of dropping in and out of print without warning, having so much of his work in one place makes this a boon for fans. While the styles shift from disc to disc, the level of quality is admirably consistent, through the highlights are Fapardokly's well-crafted folk-rock and the imaginative weirdness of Mu's two albums, the first built on a foundation of slightly twisted blues and the second a journey into prog rock and the mysteries of flying saucers. David Wells' extensive liner notes offer an excellent history of Fankhauser's life in music, with plenty of quotes from the man himself, and the remastering is clear and pleasing. If you have any interest in this elusive hero of 1960s rock, Goin' Round in My Mind is as good a one-stop shopping place as you could ask for. (AMG review by Mark Deming)






Track lists


01 Merrell And The Exiles - Please Be Mine 2:52

02 Merrell And The Exiles - Don't Call On Me 2:59

03 Merrell And The Exiles - Send Me Your Love 2:27

04 Merrell And The Exiles - Shake My Hand 2:33

05 Merrell And The Exiles - Long, Long Time 1:48

06 Merrell And The Exiles - Don't Let Go 2:43

07 Merrell And The Exiles - Remember Me 1:58

08 Merrell And The Exiles - Pain In My Heart 1:43

09 Merrell And The Exiles - Let The Time Go By 2:44

10 Merrell And The Exiles - Let Me Go 2:22

11 Merrell And The Exiles - Can't We Get Along 2:30

12 Merrell And The Exiles - She's Gone 2:17

13 Merrell And The Exiles - Run Baby Run 2:26

14 Merrell And The Exiles - Make It Back To Memphis 2:25

15 Merrell And The Exiles - Love Only You 2:48

16 Merrell And The Exiles - You've Been Untrue 1:56

17 Merrell And The Exiles - Boys 2:28

18 Merrell And The Exiles - Rave On 2:01

19 Merrell And The Exiles - That's All I Want From You 2:40


01 Fapardokly - Lila 3:28

02 Fapardokly - The Music Scene 2:38

03 Merrell And The Exiles - Sorry For Yourself 2:03

04 Fapardokly - Glass Chandelier 2:31

05 Merrell And The Exiles - Tomorrow's Girl 2:30

06 Merrell And The Exiles - Suzie Cryin' 2:25

07 Fapardokly - Mr Clock 2:28

08 Fapardokly - Gone To Pot 4:00

09 Fapardokly - No Retreat 2:00

10 Merrell And The Exiles - Too Many Heartbreaks 2:30

11 Merrell And The Exiles - When I Get Home 2:48

12 Fapardokly - Super Market 2:14

13 Merrell And The Exiles - The War 2:35

14 Merrell And The Exiles - Yes I Love You 2:42

15 Merrell And The Exiles - Be A Good Neighbor Week 2:31


01 Merrell Fankhauser - Things (Goin' Round In My Mind) 2:33

02 Merrell Fankhauser - Girl (I'm Waiting For You) 2:31

03 Merrell Fankhauser - What Does She See In You 2:33

04 Merrell Fankhauser - Lost In The City 2:08

05 Merrell Fankhauser - Your Painted Lives 2:15

06 Merrell Fankhauser - Drivin' Sideways (On A One Way Street) 2:10

07 Merrell Fankhauser - In A Minute Not Too Soon 1:55

08 Merrell Fankhauser - A Visit With Ashiya 3:24

09 Merrell Fankhauser - The Big Gray Sky 2:14

10 Merrell Fankhauser - Rich Man's Fable 2:22

11 Merrell Fankhauser - Ice Cube Island 3:25

12 Merrell Fankhauser - Madame Silky 2:46

13 Merrell Fankhauser - I'm Flying Home 2:50

14 Merrell Fankhauser - Tampa Run 2:48

15 Merrell Fankhauser - Everybody's Talkin' 2:48


01 Mu - Ain't No Blues 4:02

02 Mu - Ballad Of Brother Lew 4:36

03 Mu - Blue Form 4:08

04 Mu - Interlude 1:59

05 Mu - Nobody Wants To Shine 4:15

06 Mu - Eternal Thirst 9:38

07 Mu - Too Naked For Demetrius 2:36

08 Mu - Mumbella Baye Tu La 3:28

09 Mu - The Clouds Went That Way 3:10

10 Mu - You've Been Here Before 2:57

11 Mu - One More Day 2:34

12 Mu - On Our Way To Hana 2:17


01 Mu - The Land Of Mu 2:08

02 Mu - Make A Joyful Noise 2:42

03 Mu - Haleakala 2:31

04 Mu - Blue Jay Blue 3:25

05 Mu - Showering Rain 3:36

06 Mu - I Saw Your Photograph 3:46

07 Mu - It's Love That Sings The Song 3:28

08 Mu - You And I 2:49

09 Mu - Calling From A Star 2:09

10 Mu - Waiting For The Sun 2:43

11 Mu - Children Of The Rainbow 1:15

12 Mu - Who Will Write This Song 3:25

13 Mu - Daybreak Sunshine 3:52

14 Mu - Drink From The Fountain 4:43

15 Mu - The Love We Bare 2:34

16 Mu - In Mu 3:09

17 Mu - You're Not The Only One 2:59

18 Mu - End Of An Era 3:14

19 Mu - Earth News Interview 3:43

20 Mu - The Awakening 3:00


01 Merrell Fankhauser - Lovely Lady 3:33

02 Merrell Fankhauser - I Saw Your Photograph 3:34

03 Merrell Fankhauser - We Were All Free 1:53

04 Merrell Fankhauser - On Our Way To Hana 3:23

05 Merrell Fankhauser - Make A Joyful Noise 3:50

06 Merrell Fankhauser - Garden In The Rain 3:11

07 Merrell Fankhauser - Waterfall 2:54

08 Merrell Fankhauser - La La Does The Boo Ru 2:05

09 Merrell Fankhauser - Sail It Over The Ocean 3:13

10 Merrell Fankhauser - Love Is All There Is 2:12

11 Merrell Fankhauser - The Source 3:54

12 Merrell Fankhauser - Some Of Them Escaped 4:23

13 Merrell Fankhauser - The Wind Cries Maui 2:09

14 Merrell Fankhauser - Peace In The World 3:37

15 Merrell Fankhauser - Matthews Dream 4:22

16 Merrell Fankhauser - Dharmic Connection 2:55

17 Merrell Fankhauser - Calling From A Star 3:11



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