VA - Voodoo Voodoo, Feisty Fifties Females [2014] (3 x CDs)
Compiled by R&B and rock & roll authority Dave Penny Voodoo Voodoo pays tribute to the distaff side of 1950s R&B music that would inform the rock n roll explosion of the latter half of the decade, from the last shout of the 1940s big band thrushes such as Ella Johnson and Dinah Washington, through the fearsome vocal power of the likes of R&B trailblazers such as Big Maybelle, Ruth Brown, LaVern Baker and Big Mama Thornton, to the early experiments of the mainstream pop singers such as Ella Mae Morse, Kay Starr and Peggy Lee. That ages old question, who cut the first rock n roll record? will never be answered as the style evolved over several years, and in any case, everyone has their own idea of what constitutes rock n roll. By contrast the question, who was the first white performer to successfully utilise the black R&B style and mould it into a sound that could convincingly be labelled rock n roll? sounds more straightforward: surely it was Elvis Presley or Bill Haley? But was it? There is a compelling argument that the women beat the men to the punch when it came to assimilating black music for white consumption in the 1950s and while it might not have been the TKO that history tells us was delivered by Presley or Haley, it was still a mighty blow that deserves to be better documented. Indeed, rather than the black vocal harmony groups that originated Fool, Fool, Fool and Money Honey, it is now suggested that Elvis was influenced to record these songs in his early years from the cover versions by Kay Starr and Ella Mae Morse... So, prepare yourself for a whole lot of rhythm and rock from the feisty females on Voodoo Voodoo, a compilation that is happy to embrace singers from across a range of styles - R&B, big band and pop - just so long as they deliver the goods vocal-wise. Ice water at the ready! It's a hot one, were tellin ya! (Amazon)

Track list

Track list
1. Ella Johnson & The Beejays - Bring It Home to Me (2:33)
2. Ella Mae Morse, Big Dave and His Orchestra - Teardrops from My Eyes (2:57)
3. LaVern Baker, Todd Rhodes Orchestra - Pig Latin Blues (2:41)
4. Terry Timmons, Howard Biggs' Orchestra - He's the Best in the Business (2:45)
5. Dinah Washington, Ike Carpenter's Orrchestra - Don't Hold it Against Me (2:51)
6. Joan Shaw, Blues Express Orchestra - You Drive Me Crazy (2:44)
7. Little Sylvia, Buddy Lucas and His band of Tomorrow - Ain't Gonna Do It (2:54)
8. Mabel Scott, King Kolax Band - Mr. Fine (2:52)
9. Gloria Smith, Cherokee Conyers' Band - Low Down Man (2:19)
10. Jane Turner, Rusty Bryant & The Carolyn Club Band - Danger Blues (3:07)
11. Georgia Lane - Oo-Wee, Mr. Jeff (Please Be Yourself) (3:09)
12. Varetta Dillard, Leroy Kirkland Band - Mercy, Mr. Percy (2:49)
13. Thelma Cooper & Her Boyfriends - Ooh, Daddy! (3:09)
14. Ella Johnson, Buddy Johnson Orchestra - No More Love (3:06)
15. Big Maybelle, Danny Mendelsohn Orchestra - I've Got a Feelin' (2:58)
16. Bettye Jean Washington, George Sanford Orchestra - Bettye Jean's Blues (3:03)
17. Helen Humes, Gerald Wiggins Orchestra - You Played on My Piano (3:21)
18. Annisteen Allen - My Brand of Lovin' (2:10)
19. Sadie Madison, Todd Rhodes Orchestra - Let-Down Blues (2:40)
20. Jeanne Gayle, Cliffie Stones' Music - Bim Bam Baby (2:20)
21. Ruth Brown - Sweet Baby of Mine (2:33)
22. Faye Adams, Joe Morris Orchestra - I've Gotta Leave You (2:33)
23. Etta James - Market Place (2:54)
24. Little Esther - Talkin' All Out of My Head (2:50)
25. Margie Day, Paul Williams Band - Just Couldn't Keep It to Myself (2:37)
26. Mickey Champion, Roy Milton Orchestra - Bam-A-Lam (2:23)
27. Kitty Noble - 'Till The Cows Come Home (2:28)
28. Kay Starr, Van Alexander Orchestra - Night Train (2:46)
1. Carol Jarvis, Milt Rogers Orchestra - Little Red Rooster (2:36)
2. Margie Day - Snatchin' It Back (2:44)
3. Ella Johnson, Buddy Johnson Orchestra - What a Day! (2:12)
4. Dakota Staton - Don't Mean Maybe (2:54)
5. Jaye P. Morgan, Frank De Vol Orchestra - Baby, Don't Do It! (2:44)
6. Dolores Ware - Thrill-a-Dill (2:43)
7. Rose Marie McCoy - Dippin' in My Business (2:38)
8. Little Esther - T'aint Whatcha Say, It's Whatcha Do (2:51)
9. Camille Howard - I Tried to Tell You (2:15)
10. Dolly Cooper - Tell Me, Tell Me (2:03)
11. Vicky Lee, Bumps Blackwell Band - Goin' Back Home to Mama (2:02)
12. Marie Knight - Grasshopper Baby (2:17)
13. Eunice Davis - Get Your Enjoys (2:36)
14. Betty Jean Morris - Shack Daddy (2:38)
15. Ella Mae Morse, Big Dave & His Orchestra - How Can You Leave a Man Like This? (2:47)
16. Kay Starr, The Lancers, Lee Young Orchestra - Kay's Lament (2:21)
17. Dinah Washington, Nook Shirier Orchestra - New Blow-Top Blues (2:39)
18. Ruth Brown - What'd I Say? (2:39)
19. Zilla Mays, John Peek's Blues Caravan - Take Your Time (2:40)
20. Bertice Reading, Jesse Stone Orchestra - I Gotta Know (2:36)
21. Sarah McLawler - Ready, Willin' and Able (2:30)
22. Margie Day, The Griffin Brothers - Stubborn as a Mule (2:42)
23. Big Maybelle - That's a Pretty Good Love (2:36)
24. Dolly Cooper, Maxwell Davis Orchestra - Ay La Bah (2:37)
25. Willie Mae Thornton, Johnny Otis Band - My Man Called Me (2:40)
26. Mildred Jones, Pluma Davis' Rockets - Mr. Thrill (2:34)
27. Bunny Paul, Frank De Vol Orchestra - Leave My Heart Alone (1:59)
28. Mabel Scott, Maxwell Davis Orchestra - Shut-Eye (2:33)
29. Paula Watson - I Love to Ride (2:32)
30. Linda Hayes, Red Callender Sextet - Atomic Baby (2:25)
Tracklist 3
1. Chubby Newsom, Dave Clowney Orchestra - When Are You Comin'? (2:07)
2. Big Maybelle, Ernie Wilkins Orchestra - Rock House (2:19)
3. Annisteen Allen - My Baby Keeps Rollin' (2:34)
4. Marie Adams, Bill Harvey's Orchestra - Ain't Car Crazy (2:49)
5. Helen Humes - Woojamacooja (2:43)
6. Anita Tucker, Big Dave & His Music - Hop, Skip and Jump (2:44)
7. Camille Howard - Rock 'n' Roll Mama (2:41)
8. Peggy Lee, Nelson Riddle Orchestra - Every Night (2:35)
9. Little Esther - If It's News to You (2:40)
10. Willie Mae Thornton, Johnny Otis Band - Just Like a Dog (Barking Up the Wrong Tree) (2:47)
11. Fay Simmons, Dick E. Howard Orchestra - Hangin' Around (2:37)
12. Varetta Dillard - Promise Mr. Thomas (2:37)
13. Ruth Brown - Smooth Operator (2:33)
14. Patti Jerome, Eddie Wilcox Orchestra - No Mama - No Papa (2:08)
15. Linda Hopkins - My Loving Baby (2:50)
16. Beverly Wright & The Students - Shake Till I'm Shook (2:29)
17. Lula Reed, Sonny Thompson Orchestra - Sick and Tired (2:30)
18. Gloria Lynn, Dave Clowney Orchestra - Cool Daddy (2:27)
19. Pearl Galloway - Get Wit It (2:13)
20. Bunny Paul - Watcha Gonna Do? (2:29)
21. Vikki Nelson - Just One More Smile (2:23)
22. Linda Hopkins - Rock and Roll Blues (2:08)
23. Wynona Carr, Bumps Blackwell Band - Nursery Rhyme Rock (1:53)
24. Lillian Briggs, O.B. Masingill Orchestra - Can't Stop (1:57)
25. Dolly Cooper - Big Rock Inn (2:08)
26. Donna Hightower, Maxwell Davis Orchestra - He's My Baby (2:11)
27. Dolores (Baby Dee) Spriggs - Zoom De De Ho Ho (2:13)
28. Carmen Taylor, Kelly Owens Orchestra - No More, No Less (2:20)
29. Bernice Gooden & The Nuggets, Ernie Freeman Orchestra - Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter (On a Teenage Date) (2:20)
30. Lady Nell - Don't Forget (3:25)
31. LaVern Baker - Voodoo Voodoo (1:50)
32. Ella Johnson, Buddy Johnson Orchestra - They Don't Want Me to Rock No More (2:29)
1. Ella Johnson & The Beejays - Bring It Home to Me (2:33)
2. Ella Mae Morse, Big Dave and His Orchestra - Teardrops from My Eyes (2:57)
3. LaVern Baker, Todd Rhodes Orchestra - Pig Latin Blues (2:41)
4. Terry Timmons, Howard Biggs' Orchestra - He's the Best in the Business (2:45)
5. Dinah Washington, Ike Carpenter's Orrchestra - Don't Hold it Against Me (2:51)
6. Joan Shaw, Blues Express Orchestra - You Drive Me Crazy (2:44)
7. Little Sylvia, Buddy Lucas and His band of Tomorrow - Ain't Gonna Do It (2:54)
8. Mabel Scott, King Kolax Band - Mr. Fine (2:52)
9. Gloria Smith, Cherokee Conyers' Band - Low Down Man (2:19)
10. Jane Turner, Rusty Bryant & The Carolyn Club Band - Danger Blues (3:07)
11. Georgia Lane - Oo-Wee, Mr. Jeff (Please Be Yourself) (3:09)
12. Varetta Dillard, Leroy Kirkland Band - Mercy, Mr. Percy (2:49)
13. Thelma Cooper & Her Boyfriends - Ooh, Daddy! (3:09)
14. Ella Johnson, Buddy Johnson Orchestra - No More Love (3:06)
15. Big Maybelle, Danny Mendelsohn Orchestra - I've Got a Feelin' (2:58)
16. Bettye Jean Washington, George Sanford Orchestra - Bettye Jean's Blues (3:03)
17. Helen Humes, Gerald Wiggins Orchestra - You Played on My Piano (3:21)
18. Annisteen Allen - My Brand of Lovin' (2:10)
19. Sadie Madison, Todd Rhodes Orchestra - Let-Down Blues (2:40)
20. Jeanne Gayle, Cliffie Stones' Music - Bim Bam Baby (2:20)
21. Ruth Brown - Sweet Baby of Mine (2:33)
22. Faye Adams, Joe Morris Orchestra - I've Gotta Leave You (2:33)
23. Etta James - Market Place (2:54)
24. Little Esther - Talkin' All Out of My Head (2:50)
25. Margie Day, Paul Williams Band - Just Couldn't Keep It to Myself (2:37)
26. Mickey Champion, Roy Milton Orchestra - Bam-A-Lam (2:23)
27. Kitty Noble - 'Till The Cows Come Home (2:28)
28. Kay Starr, Van Alexander Orchestra - Night Train (2:46)
1. Carol Jarvis, Milt Rogers Orchestra - Little Red Rooster (2:36)
2. Margie Day - Snatchin' It Back (2:44)
3. Ella Johnson, Buddy Johnson Orchestra - What a Day! (2:12)
4. Dakota Staton - Don't Mean Maybe (2:54)
5. Jaye P. Morgan, Frank De Vol Orchestra - Baby, Don't Do It! (2:44)
6. Dolores Ware - Thrill-a-Dill (2:43)
7. Rose Marie McCoy - Dippin' in My Business (2:38)
8. Little Esther - T'aint Whatcha Say, It's Whatcha Do (2:51)
9. Camille Howard - I Tried to Tell You (2:15)
10. Dolly Cooper - Tell Me, Tell Me (2:03)
11. Vicky Lee, Bumps Blackwell Band - Goin' Back Home to Mama (2:02)
12. Marie Knight - Grasshopper Baby (2:17)
13. Eunice Davis - Get Your Enjoys (2:36)
14. Betty Jean Morris - Shack Daddy (2:38)
15. Ella Mae Morse, Big Dave & His Orchestra - How Can You Leave a Man Like This? (2:47)
16. Kay Starr, The Lancers, Lee Young Orchestra - Kay's Lament (2:21)
17. Dinah Washington, Nook Shirier Orchestra - New Blow-Top Blues (2:39)
18. Ruth Brown - What'd I Say? (2:39)
19. Zilla Mays, John Peek's Blues Caravan - Take Your Time (2:40)
20. Bertice Reading, Jesse Stone Orchestra - I Gotta Know (2:36)
21. Sarah McLawler - Ready, Willin' and Able (2:30)
22. Margie Day, The Griffin Brothers - Stubborn as a Mule (2:42)
23. Big Maybelle - That's a Pretty Good Love (2:36)
24. Dolly Cooper, Maxwell Davis Orchestra - Ay La Bah (2:37)
25. Willie Mae Thornton, Johnny Otis Band - My Man Called Me (2:40)
26. Mildred Jones, Pluma Davis' Rockets - Mr. Thrill (2:34)
27. Bunny Paul, Frank De Vol Orchestra - Leave My Heart Alone (1:59)
28. Mabel Scott, Maxwell Davis Orchestra - Shut-Eye (2:33)
29. Paula Watson - I Love to Ride (2:32)
30. Linda Hayes, Red Callender Sextet - Atomic Baby (2:25)
Tracklist 3
1. Chubby Newsom, Dave Clowney Orchestra - When Are You Comin'? (2:07)
2. Big Maybelle, Ernie Wilkins Orchestra - Rock House (2:19)
3. Annisteen Allen - My Baby Keeps Rollin' (2:34)
4. Marie Adams, Bill Harvey's Orchestra - Ain't Car Crazy (2:49)
5. Helen Humes - Woojamacooja (2:43)
6. Anita Tucker, Big Dave & His Music - Hop, Skip and Jump (2:44)
7. Camille Howard - Rock 'n' Roll Mama (2:41)
8. Peggy Lee, Nelson Riddle Orchestra - Every Night (2:35)
9. Little Esther - If It's News to You (2:40)
10. Willie Mae Thornton, Johnny Otis Band - Just Like a Dog (Barking Up the Wrong Tree) (2:47)
11. Fay Simmons, Dick E. Howard Orchestra - Hangin' Around (2:37)
12. Varetta Dillard - Promise Mr. Thomas (2:37)
13. Ruth Brown - Smooth Operator (2:33)
14. Patti Jerome, Eddie Wilcox Orchestra - No Mama - No Papa (2:08)
15. Linda Hopkins - My Loving Baby (2:50)
16. Beverly Wright & The Students - Shake Till I'm Shook (2:29)
17. Lula Reed, Sonny Thompson Orchestra - Sick and Tired (2:30)
18. Gloria Lynn, Dave Clowney Orchestra - Cool Daddy (2:27)
19. Pearl Galloway - Get Wit It (2:13)
20. Bunny Paul - Watcha Gonna Do? (2:29)
21. Vikki Nelson - Just One More Smile (2:23)
22. Linda Hopkins - Rock and Roll Blues (2:08)
23. Wynona Carr, Bumps Blackwell Band - Nursery Rhyme Rock (1:53)
24. Lillian Briggs, O.B. Masingill Orchestra - Can't Stop (1:57)
25. Dolly Cooper - Big Rock Inn (2:08)
26. Donna Hightower, Maxwell Davis Orchestra - He's My Baby (2:11)
27. Dolores (Baby Dee) Spriggs - Zoom De De Ho Ho (2:13)
28. Carmen Taylor, Kelly Owens Orchestra - No More, No Less (2:20)
29. Bernice Gooden & The Nuggets, Ernie Freeman Orchestra - Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter (On a Teenage Date) (2:20)
30. Lady Nell - Don't Forget (3:25)
31. LaVern Baker - Voodoo Voodoo (1:50)
32. Ella Johnson, Buddy Johnson Orchestra - They Don't Want Me to Rock No More (2:29)
Thanks for the girl comps.
ReplyDeleteYour very welcome Charles D
Many thanks for posting VA - Voodoo Voodoo, Feisty Fifties Females CD1 + CD2 + CD3.
ReplyDeleteGreat Music.
Hi Mukse,
DeleteGlad your a fan.
Looks to be a great set, BB but... files expired. Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy, ronzoni.
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Link is broken.
ReplyDeleteHi Jeff,
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