Saturday, October 28, 2023

VA - A-Z of Italian Progressive Rock (A Butterboy Compilation) + Artwork


VA - A-Z of Italian Progressive Rock (A Butterboy Compilation) + Artwork

The Italian Progressive Rock movement saw its dawn in the late sixties with singers and songwriters sharing their talent and creating a wonderful artistic movement. With the arrival of this new decade of the 70’s the Progressive Rock movement often known as RPI reached its climax.  Progressive rock in Italy is one of the most progressive elements developed in Italy during the early seventies. The Italian progressive rock movement is also one of the most important chapters of Italian pop music being the most prolific, original and beautiful passages in Italian rock. The passion of Italian art shines through in their progressive music. They were well trained and talented musicians, whose love for arts influenced them in their creative process.

It’s no surprise that prog-rock was very popular in Italy during the 1970s given that Italy was one of the spiritual homes of Western art music including opera. Italy had and still has a vibrant musical culture. There is an open and expansive mindset that allows still-vibrant artist from the RPI era to coexist with more modern artists in producing progressive rock music successfully.

Italian progressive rock encompassed a number of different styles. All kinds of progressive music flourished, from romantic and classically influenced sounds with big statements that existed alongside pastoral landscapes, including a fair amount of symphonic rock most within the backdrop of the Italian canzone tradition. Lots of acid folk and psychedelia as well as strange and dark music came out of the scene to during this time also. Italy had almost as many Progressive Rock bands as Britain during the 70's where they drew initial inspiration from. By 1975 most of overall scene began to decline, especially the Italian symphonic rock bands.

The scene produced hundreds of bands releasing only one album before disappearing into obscurity. Many of these artists could not get released at the time and were only rediscovered decades later thanks to the efforts of specialist progressive rock labels and the online community of progressive rock fans. Some artists had continued success locally and abroad, some even touring with their better known British Prog bands counterparts. Some also achieved moderate chart success.  For an English speaking person exploring Italian Progressive rock music is really like taking a trip into a different reality.  There is a world of music to be understood, not just in traditional forms, but different cultural takes on the development of rock and roll. And in this music we can appreciate a special theatrical flavour…
Presented here are, 143 Italian artists that have created 192 tracks representing the A-Z of the Italian Progressive Rock genre. There is 22 Hours of music for your listening pleasure. All tracks are from my personal collection. A booklet is also provided showing all the artists album cover artwork together with a small intro to the music within. There are lots of rarities to be found here. The vocals are typically sung in Italian however there are a few bands also sing in English.

I hope you will enjoy listening to this music as much as I do. It is an often overlooked genre and I hope when you go exploring it takes you to new places and gives you an appreciation for the wonderfully rewarding experience that lays ahead from a particular part of the world.

This has been a massive project and one that made me fall in love with Italian Progressive Rock again. There are many surprises here including some rarities.  My one disappointment is that I didn’t have an artists with the letter X. The artwork used for the cover of the booklet is from an original painting by Butterboy.


Pt.1     Pt.2     Pt.3 


Pt.1     Pt.2     Pt.3 


Track list

01    Acqua Fragile - Science Fiction Suite    5:53    1973
02    Acqua Fragile - Bar Gazing    5:01    1974
03    Adriano Monteduro - Suoni Di Umanita'    4:08    1974
04    Agora - La Bottega Di Duilio    5:38    1976
05    Aktuala - When the Light Began    11:42    1972
06    Albero Motore - Cristoforo Colombo    6:16    1974
07    Alphataurus - Ripensando E...    6:34    1973
08    Alusa Fallax - Per Inziare Una Vita    4:19    1974
09    Antares - My Girl Friend    6:14    1979
10    Apoteosi - Embrion    2:36    1975
11    Apoteosi - Prima Realtà    8:29    1975
12    Area - Gioia E Rivoluzione    4:36    1974
13    Ash (Italy) - Easy Game    5:30    1979
14    Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso - Ne Piu Di Un Albero Non Meno Di Una Stella    7:59    1978
15    Biglietto Per L'inferno - Ansia    4:09    1974
16    Blocco Mentale - La Nuova Forza    7:36    1973
17    Blue Phantom - Equivalence    2:36    1971
18    Buon Vecchio Charlie - Evviva La Contea Di Lane    6:32    1972
19    Campo Di Marte - Ii Tempo (Riflessione Parte Ii)    3:24    1973
20    Capitolo 6 - L Ultima Notte    11:32    1972
21    Capricorn College - Anatomia Di Una Notte    7:20    1972
22    Capricorn College - Orfeo 2000    4:58    1972
23    Capsicumred - Patetica    14:24    1971
24    Celeste - Eftus    4:09    2015
25    Celeste - Fireflies in the Grass    3:18    2015
26    Cervello - Trittico    7:19    1973
27    Cherry Five - The Picture of Dorian Gray    8:00    1975
28    Cherry Five - Il Tempo Del Destino    4:05    2015
29    Citta Frontale - Equilibrio Divino    6:37    1975
30    Claudio Rocchi - Volo Magico #1    18:29    1971
31    Crystals - Sad Story    5:39    2003
32    Dalton - La Donna E Il Bambino    9:21    1974
33    De De Lind - Fuga E Morte    7:19    1973
34    Delirium - Dio Del Silenzio    2:59    1974
35    Delirium - Sequenza I E Ii (Ipocrisia - Verita )    3:36    1971
36    Delirium - Fuorilegge    4:15    2015
37    Delirium - Haum! (Single)    3:21    1972
38    Edgar Allan Poe - Ad Un Vecchio    6:53    1975
39    Emilio Locurcio - Dal Finestrino Del Treno    4:50    1977
40    Eneide - Cantico Alle Stelle - Traccia I    2:51    1972
41    Enzo Capuano - Enzo Capuano - 01 - Una Forma Di Vita    7:58    1975
42    Era Di Acquario - Campagne Siciliane    3:34    1973
43    Era Di Acquario - Statale 113    2:54    1973
44    Errata Corrige - Siegfried (Leggenda)    7:08    1976
45    Etna - Golden Idol    8:59    1975
46    Exploit - Un Bambino...Un Re    4:00    1972
47    Festa Mobile - Aristea    5:00    1973
48    Flea - L'angelo Timido    5:56    1972
49    Flea on the Honey - Mother Mary    7:26    1971
50    Formula 3 - Liberta' Per Quest'uomo    5:36    1973
51    Franco Battiato - Sequenze E Frequenze    16:22    1973
52    Garybaldi - Madre Di Cose Perdute    20:26    1972
53    Garybaldi - Il Giardino Del Re    9:15    1972
54    Garybaldi - Dolce Come Sei Tu    5:19    1972
55    Genfuoco - Galassie    7:05    1979
56    Gleemen - Shilaila Dea Dell'amore    4:14    1970
57    Gruppo D'alternativa - La Tua Lotta    8:20    1972
58    Guercia - N    7:20    1982
59    Horus - Sottoterra    3:02    1978
60    Hunka Munka - Io Cantero Per Te    4:40    1972
61    I Cocai - Le Mie Storie    8:33    1978
62    I Dik Dik - Donna Paesaggio    4:02    1972
63    I Flashmen - Cercando La Vita    10:12    1971
64    I Giganti - Tanto Va La Gatta Al Lardo Su E Giu    7:43    1971
65    I Leone - Sesso    3:00    1971
66    I Leone - L'alba    3:13    1971
67    I Pooh - Fantasia    3:18    1966
68    I Raminghi - Donna Hai Ragione Tu    9:10    1971
69    I Teoremi    Nuvola - Che Copri Il Sole    5:30    1972
70    Ibis - Divine Mountain Journey of Life (Part 1 Vision of Majesty)    3:41    1974
71    Ibis - Divine Mountain Journey of Life (Part 2 Travelling the Spectrum of the Soul) 5:55    1974
72    Ibis - Divine Mountain Journey of Life (Part 3 The Valley of Mists)    4:53    1974
73    Ibis - Divine Mountain Journey of Life (Part 4 Vision Fulfilled)    4:37    1974
74    Il Balletto Di Bronzo - Ti Risveglierai Con Me    2:40    1970
75    Il Giro Strano - Il 13° Transistor    12:24    1973
76    Il Rovescio Della Medaglia - Il Suono Del Silenzio    3:32    1973
77    Il Rovescio Della Medaglia - Mi Sono Svegliato E...Ho Chiuso Gli Occhi    3:56    1973
78    Il Rovescio Della Medaglia - La Mia Musica    4:09    1973
79    Il Rovescio Della Medaglia - Non Io    6:12    1972
80    Il Volo - Sonno    4:10    1974
81    J.E.T. - Il Prete E Il Peccatore    11:07    1972
82    J.E.T. - Sinfonia Per Un Re    7:58    1972
83    Jacula - Jacula Varzer    6:26    1972
84    Janus - Al Maestrale    5:24    1978
85    Jumbo - E' Brutto Sentirsi Vecchi    6:33    1972
86    Jumbo - 40 Gradi    6:41    1973
87    Kaleidon - Free Love    4:49    1973
88    La Pentola Di Papin - Introduzione    9:47    1977
89    La Pentola Di Papin - Conclusioni    4:08    1977
90    La Seconda Genesi - Dimmi Padre    8:01    1972
91    La Statale 17 and Emphasis - La Piramide Del Potere    7:47    1978
92    Laser - Vita Sul Pianeta    5:28    1973
93    Latte E Miele - Itestimoni Part1 & Part2    8:17    1972
94    Latte E Miele - Menestrello    5:09    1976
95    Latte E Miele - Pavana    23:26    1976
96    Le Mani - Il Palazzo    6:06    1976
97    Le Orme - Sguardo Verso Il Cielo    4:11    1971
98    Le Orme - Ad Gloriam    5:33    1969
99    Le Orme - Sorona    2:28    1973
100    Le Orme - L'equilibrio    3:42    1973
101    Le Orme - Storia O Leggenda    5:07    1977
102    Le Stelle Di Mario Schifano - Susan Song    3:48    1967
103    Leo Nero - La Bambola Rotta    7:02    1977
104    L'estate Di San Martino - S.E.N.O.    7:29    2012
105    Living Life - Let, From Experience to Experience    35:45    1975
106    Locanda Delle Fate - A Volte Un Istante Di Quiete    6:28    1977
107    Locanda Delle Fate - Profumo Di Colla Bianca    8:26    1977
108    Locanda Delle Fate - La Giostra    7:28    2012
109    Luciano Basso - Mattino    3:53    1978
110    L'uovo Di Colombo - Anja    4:38    1973
111    Maad - Giugno '75    11:58    1976
112    Madrugada - Mandrax    9:56    1974
113    Mamma Non Piangere - Spostamenti    4:12    2016
114    Mario Panseri - Quegli Occhi Spalancati    4:56    1973
115    Mario Panseri - Il Primo Amico - Volto Di Donna    6:06    1973
116    Maschera Di Cera - La Guerra Dei Mille Anni    4:30    2013
117    Maxophone - Mercanti Di Pazzie    5:52    1975
118    Metamorfosi - Lussuriosi    3:14    1973
119    Mo.Do. - Tramonto    4:51    1980
120    Murple - Antartide    17:16    1974
121    Museo Rosenbach - Il Terzo Occhio    5:37    2000
122    Museo Rosenbach - Zarathustra Parts 1,2,3,4&5  20:32    1973
123    Musica & Parole - Frose E' Furia    9:55    1975
124    Napoli Centrale - Viecchie, Mugliere, Muorte E Criaturi    9:17    1975
125    New Trolls - Concerto Grosso No.2 - 3 Tempo - Moderato (Fare You Well Dove)    4:12    1976
126    Nomadi - Ho Difeso Il Mio Amore    4:04    1994
127    Nova - Vimana    7:20    1976
128    Nuova Idea - Il Giardino Dei Sogni    5:16    1971
129    Nuova Idea - Realta    4:09    1971
130    Odissea - Il Risveglio Di Un Mattino    4:16    1973
131    Odissea - Conti E Numeri    4:33    1973
132    Officina Meccanica - Suite Bambini Innocenti    6:50    1973
133    Opus Avantra - Les Plaisirs Sont Doux - Nel Piccolo Giardino    3:36    2010
134    Opus Avantra - L'altalena    5:35    2010
135    Orchestra Njervudarov - Tot Stelle Reflex    4:19    1979
136    Osage Tribe - Hajenhanhowa    9:38    1971
137    Osage Tribe - Can’t Find My Way Home    5:16    2013
138    Osanna - Tema    4:44    1972
139    Osanna - Oro Caldo    18:27    1972
140    Pangea - Xanadu    10:55    1976
141    Panna Fredda - La Paura    6:02    1979
142    Paolo Rustichelli & Carlo Bordini - Un Cane    5:20    1973
143    Perigeo - Abbiamo Tutti Un Blues Da Piangere    6:05    1973
144    PFM (Premiata Forneria Marconi) - Lisola Di Niente    10:48    1974
145    PFM (Premiata Forneria Marconi) - Via Lumiere    7:13    1974
146    Pfm (Premiata Forneria Marconi) - Impressioni Di Settembre    5:44    1972
147    Pholas Dactylus - Pholas Dactylus - 01 - Parte 1    29:16    1973
148    Piero E I Cottonfields - E' Mia Madre    4:30    1972
149    Planetarium - Life    7:04    1971
150    Preghiera Di Sasso - Praxis    5:11    1975
151    Procession - C'era Una Volta    8:03    1974
152    Procession - Fiaba    5:26    1974
153    Procession - Citta Grande    5:12    1972
154    Psycheground Group - Traffic    6:00    1970
155    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - San Francisco California    8:08    1977
156    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - Le Refuge Du Temps    5:31    2000
157    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - Flowing Down the River    3:14    2000
158    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - Overture    8:31    1994
159    Quasar Lux Symphoniae - El Shadday    3:27    1994
160    Quella Vecchia Locanda - Villa Doria Pamphili    5:26    1974
161    Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno - Un Palco Di Marionette    8:49    1972
162    Raccomandata Ricevuta Ritorno - Il Mondo Cade (Su Di Me)    6:50    1972
163    Reale Accademia Di Musica - Il Mattino    9:22    1972
164    Richard Last Group - Confusion (Rare B Side)    1:52    1972
164    Richard Last Group - He Has Gone Away (Rare A Side)    3:05    1972
165    Rocky's Filj - Io Robot    7:41    1973
166    Saint Just - Viaggio Nel Tempo    6:35    1974
167    Salis - Dopo Il Buio... La Luce    7:40    1978
168    Semiramis - La Bottega Del Rigattiere    6:01    1973
169    Semiramis     - Frazz    5:09    1973
170    Sensations' Fix - Fragments of Light    3:28    1974
171    Sensations' Fix - Music in Painting in the Air    4:18    1974
172    Sensitiva Immagine - Al Confini Del Mondo    10:24    1978
173    Showmen 2 - Abbasso Lo Zio Tom    6:47    1971
174    Simon Luca - Cercare Di Prendere Il Cielo    2:36    1973
175    Simon Luca - Rinascita    5:51    1973
176    Spittri - Terza Parte Essere    12:03    1972
177    St. Tropez - Luna in Vergine    7:00    1992
178    Stormy Six - La Manifestazione    6:27    1972
179    Stormy Six - Il Barbiere    7:38    1977
180    The Trip - Rhapsodia    20:02    1973
181    Toto Torquati - Uomo Nasce Fiore Cresce Appassisce Muore    7:24    1973
182    Triade - Caro Fratello    4:50    1973
183    Triade - 1998 (Millenovecentonovantotto)    6:16    1973
184    Ultima Spiaggia - Voglio Vivere    3:18    1975
185    Underground Set - Underground the Blue    5:22    1970
186    Uno - I Cani E La Volpe    4:01    1974
187    Venegoni & Co - Libertà Definitiva    5:54    1977
188    Venetian Power - Quando Dio Invento Il Mondo    4:11    1971
189    Watch - And The Winner Is ...    10:11    2001
190    Yleclipse - Convivium Mithrae    5:28    2012
191    Zauber - Ipotesi    2:32    1978
192    Zu - Xenitis    3:08    1999


  1. Goblin which is sad but, still...whoa

    1. Hi Rikker Mortis.
      I really don't know why I didn't include Goblin. ...???
      Enjoy the rest.

  2. I thought I knew a bit over Italian music, but it is only I Pooh that I'm familiar with. Magnificent, hardly waiting...

    1. Hi StoneRose,
      Lots of magic to be found in this compilation.

  3. As you said, an "overlooked genre" but no more! Thanks. I could listen to I Pooh all day, but many other great bands for me to listen to for the first time.
    Mike M

    1. Hi Mike,
      It's the exploring that is exciting. I hope you find something in this lot that makes you seek more.

  4. Great work and great result. I like your artwork too. Thanks BB.

    1. Thank you, Herve,
      I thought the artwork fit nicely for this compilation.

  5. What an extraordinary project from an always interesting site! Really fantastic work! I haven't heard some of this for many years. With great thanks...

    1. Thank you, RD.
      I hope you will enjoy the total package.

  6. 22 hours ... is this is the mother of all BB compilations?! I have listened to the first ca. 30 tracks by now ... this is a spectacular set, many thanks! (Thanks as well for the posting the Max Roach box, a cornerstone of 50s jazz!)

    1. Hi albrecht koschnik.
      Thanks for your kind words.
      I have been listening to this myself, again. I do enjoy these sounds. I am delighted you are enjoying it as much as I do.
      FYI I also pulled together this one which is over 28hrs of great progressive rock music.

  7. Unbelievable! A fantastic collection, BB! There are many artists I wish I had available when I put together my ROCK PROGRESSIVO ITALIANO comps awhile back. And here they are! Great research on all these bands! Looking forward to getting the whole thing soon Thanks!!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks. Winter Hills.
      This was a huge project that was exciting and extremely rewarding. The sound I found led me to more artists that I still haven't completed listening to. When I do there may be a second box set volume.
      I hope you enjoy it.

  9. Wow! I'm pretty unfamiliar with Italian prog except a few artists but this epic collection looks like the right place to fix that -- thanks BB!!

    1. This should be a terrific journey into the unknown for you then, MrDave.
      There is a lot to love about the sounds in the box set.

  10. I did a small chronicle about Mario Panseri and his album "Adolescenza" A contact in my blog push me to go and see this compilation. I don't know if you are reading message from pastbut let me say thank you... huge compilation as usual.
